Transistors are high voltage transistors with a higher specification than normal transistors. It is usually removed in the area of the transformer as the power transformer and flyback. On television and monitors, the flyback transformer is used to generate the high voltage, high voltage transistor is required to do the job. Its location near the flyback and attach to a particular heat sink to transfer heat more quickly. Otherwise you canShock in a very short time because of the hard work of the transistor during the transition. Apart from the typical number of high-voltage transistor that is used in monitors and TV BU2508DF, C3998, C5148, C5047, C5589, C5803, etc., and usually their assessment of volts, amps and watts to 1500 volts and above, 10 amp , 50 watts, and more. Their dimensions are much larger than the common signal transistors. If this high-voltage transistors shorted, you have to find the exact number of spare parts for equipmentlonger. Part replacement is usually not long, perhaps in the last few weeks or few months, and will fly again, if you know the shop and the overthrow of the transistor.
Higher voltage, amps and power will be no guarantee that your transistors will be long. Many times in a specific fraction of a second defeat at the moment the device is turned on. You have to go to the manufacturer for information respective transistors and discover specthe transistor. Enter the time and the time when the value of storage. The original and the replacement value of tolerance should not exceed 20%. If not replace the transistor will run hot and eventually blow the transistor. This time.As wasting your valuable because sometimes even the specific transistors neighbor, is also not good, because special equipment such as monitoring the yoke coil and flyback converter is designed based on specificTransistors.
1500 Watt Amp
Thus, only the original code that allows transistors to install in this particular equipment. I saw also install the initial number of different batches of the transistor when the monitor displays the curve resulted in (pincushion out), and the transistor becomes very hot. I have all the circuits and components to verify the transistor to be connected ok. Even replacing the flyback does not help. The transistor, the temperature continues to rise, and if notturn off the monitor, I think it will eventually blow up the transistor. I took the transistor and compared with the original logo and found that replacement is a bit 'different transistors than the original logo. When I called my suppliers electronically for the logo, said that the transistor, I bought a newer version is thought, from the same factory. After long hours in search of the original transistors, I managed to find one. Incredibly, the originalTransistor, which replaced the cold and the image is perfectly fine. Guess what is the high-voltage transistors code? And 'C5148 was!
In another case there was a monitor that came with no sign of power. According to carefully consider the high-voltage range, has confirmed to me that only HOT shorted causing no power. After the exchange (the code was BU2508DF) when the monitor is turned on, the power button flashing. I thought it was some other components of poor diet can lead to flash. IRecheck the power and high voltage section, but simply could not find the error. I took the heat, I just replaced that and realize that was a little 'different than the original. I took another HOT, which works exactly the same thing correctly from my spares box and voila, the monitor in order. I'm starting to compare the two HOT and you can clearly see from the photo shown below.
The lesson I learned from this mistake is always a spareApart from the original number (if possible) and not buy all the components, which is cheaper than normal market price.
Understanding The High Voltage Transistor In Computer Monitor
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